Thursday 26 February 2009

Politics - The Job of Infidelity

I used my position in power for sex!

A career in politics is a great thing, you get to sit on comfy green couch's all day and shout "here here" at the speaker when you agree with whats being said, if you don't agree, grunting incoherently is your best friend.

As a cheeky segue, I'm going to talk about infidelity surrounding politicians. It seems that a large majority of people in politics, be they fat or thin, short or tall and ugly or handsome are "having it off" with there mildly attractive secretary. Most of these affairs come out eventually. What proceeds next is verging on ridiculous, there is public uproar, protests and calls for resignations.

What interests me, is that in a large amount of cases after the affair has been exposed, the offending parties significant other usually forgives them and they both carry on with their lives. After a few days the public uproar subsides and everyone goes about their business. John Prescott comes to mind, who is still married after such an affair.

In a lot of situations is everyday life, such a betrayal is usually met with separation but politics seems to be different. Politician's partners cite various reasons to convince the public why they forgive them. Such as "he was under a lot of stress." Why does a career in politics give you an excuse to sleep with who you wish whilst not jeopardizing your marriage. Why do the people that decide how are lives are run have the morals of a medieval bandit.

The fact that we've come to expect politicians to have affairs is all deeply concerning to me......

Here is a link detailing John Prescotts exploits and the problem in politics:

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