Sunday 26 April 2009

Choking the chicken

Yes, yes it is.....

In the lecture I was interested to hear of the ancient worlds response to masturbation. I felt they would be fervently against it, but evidence in Egyptian Mythology seems to suggest otherwise.

What puzzles me is why up until a few years ago the general opinion on masturbation was that is was immoral and a sin.

In my experience even the church has altered its views.

When I was in Secondary School during sex education someone anonymously asked using a note whether Masturbation was wrong, the response was No, it wasn't. Which was interesting considering that it was a christian school I attended.

The act if masturbation is now more accepted by society than it ever has been, partly because a greater understanding of human sexuality.

Still, the most fervent of religious clerics would still find fault in masturbation and still deem it a hell worthy activity.......guess I'll see you all there.

Churches view on Masturbation:

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