Thursday 30 April 2009

Jade Goody


Cancer is a serious problem for the human race, I accept that, some people in my family have cancer so i can appreciate the strain it puts on families effected by it.

What I cannot appreciate the actions of a woman who has this illness exploiting herself for money. Yes it is a noble cause, attempting to fund your children's future but come on!

Her stint on Big Brother set her up in a career of talentlessness where she has released several books, TV shows and the odd story in magazines. They don't give you a tenner for a book send you on your way, thanking you for the effort. You get paid exuberant amounts for the initial writing of said book and also royalties. She didn't need to bore ( yes, that's what she did bore ) the public with her plight. Thousands of people in this country have terminal illnesses, thousands of people die and thousands of people are worth 10 Jade Goodies, these people didn't appear on national television spouting racist remarks and these people have the good sense not to ruin there children's perception of their mother.

When her kids get old enough they will be embarrassed by the media storm that surrounded their mother in her final weeks. This constant phrase was uttered "She wants her children to remember her as she really was..."

Sorry Jade, they're not, they're going to see the woman who sold her soul for a couple of thousand pounds.

I'm sorry, it's terrible that she died, it's terrible that her children don't have a mother around. But there should be a certain amount of dignity in death and this just wasn't apparent. If she saw an angle the media wasn't reporting on, she'd sell it.

Here's what I need to know about her illness:

- She has been diagnosed with it.
- It is terminal, she has been given X amount of time to live.
- She has died.

The only good thing to come out of her selling every story she can is that it has increased the amount of youngsters being checked for cancer and I don't believe for a second that she factored this into her estimations when deciding to go public.

The only thing more annoying that she had no respect for her son's reactions to her actions when the are older is that, magazines like OK! give tributes to her that are unbefitting of someone of her talent.

"Britain mourns the loss of it's brightest star"

Come on, she's wasn't Diana, yes, she was a nice person but she was also a person who we'll all forget about in 10 years.

The public are so hypocritical.

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