Wednesday 6 May 2009


"It's tobacco! Ask my dealer!"

Drugs are interesting little things, some have the power to give life, some have the power to take it.

The main problem with Drugs in relation to being bad, is the trafficking of illegal drugs to be sold to people for recreational uses.

Not only the typical recreational drugs such as Crack Cocaine, Heroin and Marijuana but also medical drugs which are usually stolen from hospitals by staff for personal use or extra income.

The UK governments actions towards drugs began to change a few years ago when arguably one of the most popular drugs: Marijuana was changed to a class C drug, meaning that people caught with it wouldn't be jailed.

This has changed once more and Marijuana is back at class A.

Personally I think that I should have the right to choose whether to take drugs and not be penalized. It is my body and mind to wreck so why can't I? As long as i am not funding criminals or supplying to minors why can't I take drugs?

A free country indeed........


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