Thursday 7 May 2009

Being Bad Questionaire

Age: 19

Sex: Male
Does ‘Being Bad’ relate well to the other modules you are taking?

If so, how? And if not, why not?
As a film studies student the section on Bad Cinema helps me link with my other film modules, especially in regards to the codes governing films.

Have you found ‘Being Bad’ too demanding, too easy, or at an appropriate level?

An appropriate level.

Do you think the list of topics covered on the module was appropriate?
The topics really covered all the bases, I struggle to thing of other subjects surrounding the idea of Being Bad - They were appropriate.

Are there any topics not included in the module that you would like to see included?
See above.

Do you think that the format for classes has worked well?
Yes, the blog workshop prior to the lecture was a brilliant idea, the subjects were varied. The use of handouts helped was an excellent choice as finding information on some of the topic discussed such as "Masturbation" could have thrown up some bad results and been embarrassing.

What did you think of the module team?
Each team member was well researched and engaging in the approach they took to there specific topic.

Do you think it would have been better to have had more:

Small group discussions?
No, the room didn't really lend itself to that kind of working.

Discussion and debate among the class as a whole?
I felt there was adequate debate going on, individuals were given the opportunity to give their opinions on topics.

Information and talk from lecturers?
The talk and info were more than adequate.

The approach taken in the module is interdisciplinary (drawing on perspectives from English Literature, Film Studies, Creative Writing, Philosophy, Media Studies and Politics): do you think this a useful way of approaching the topics covered in the module?
Yes, by using these links it helped to give better understanding of a topics position in the world.

Do you think that interdisciplinary modules are a good idea?
Yes, especially if the module given as a core option on the various interdisciplinary modules, this way students will be better equipped to tackle certain subjects. For example Film Studies helped me answer the Bad Cinema questions.

Do you think you have benefited from the interdisciplinary approach taken in the module?
Yes, I have gained a greater understanding of the various disciplinary modules.
Would you like to see more modules that cover this kind of subject matter?
Yes, the module was different but still relevant, which made it more enjoyable.

Are you planning to take the follow-up module PH2004 ‘It Shouldn't’t Be Allowed’ at level 2?
If it is similar to this module I would be happy too, however it would depend on if the module is relevant to my degree.

Would you recommend ‘Being Bad’ to a friend?
Without hesitation.

Do you think that the blogs (web logs) were a good idea?
Yes and no, they were enjoyable to an extent, sometimes subjects could be hard to write about. More importantly I felt that there wasn't enough clarifications initially with the rules. Mainly in that the course guide, states "Each post must carry a different date marker." Whilst I endeavoured to write a post each week, towards the end I fell behind. As such I began making marker posts which I could come back to later and paste in posts I had written in word before the deadline. By saving as a draft and posting later the post would be uploaded under the date that I made the draft. I feel that I shouldn't be penalised for this as in the module guide it states CLEARLY that each post should carry a different date marker. It however does not say anything about marker posts or uploading multiple posts on the same day with different date markers. Due to the LACK of clarity in these rules I feel I should not be penalised for this, as it is technically staying within the rule stating that "Each post must have a different date marker." Which it did.

What did you think of the other assessments (e.g. would it be better to have one longer assessment rather than two shorter ones?)?

I feel that the shorter assessments work better, they are more manageable and a comfortable size. They also offer more piece of chances to perfect your writing skills, going into year 2.
What have you learned from the module?
I have learnt a lot about the worlds perception of various taboo subjects and the history of these things. It has taught me to see things in a different light.

What parts of the module have you found most useful and why?
The handouts and the heavy reliance of IT, allowing the WOLF archives to be full of useful handouts and presentations.

What parts do you think were a waste of time and why?
I don't think any of the module was a waste of time, it was all relevant.

Are there any other comments you wish to make regarding ‘Being Bad’?
Only my disappointment at potentially being penalised even though technically I was working within the rules of the assignment - in relation to the creation of date marker drafts that are filled in later.

However, I really enjoyed this module, initially I was concerned about the content but it turned out to be an absolute joy.

Comment to Sir Mitchell Cashmore


As a none smoker it is easy to make those assumptions that smoking has these downsides and it makes people unattractive, but smoking is something you chose to do, as such people are more than happy to take the negative effects.

Comment to Sinead Webdale 2


Desperate measures are buying own brand products for cheaper, not stealing branded products becausre there is a recession on. People out of work have the dole as an option and that is more than enough to get by on.

Comment to Sinead Webdale


Despite more enlightened times, tattoos still have a link to crime, employers won't wish to employ people who have visible tattoos because some people will still link this to crime. If the person worked at an office behind a desk I don't see the problem with having one. But with this connotation still floating around nowadays, people interact with the public may send out wrong impressions and create trouble for the employer.

Tattoo's are private decisions if someone decides to get one he/she has to live with the consequences.

Comment to Moomin


I for one don't think facebook would be a very useful stalking tool, not in its current form. Unless more people start using the mobile updates feature so they can say where they are at every hour of the day Stalker will only know where they have been, not where they are. So as they're technically not persuing them, they're not stalking.

Comment to miss.matrix


I'd argue that comedians don't need to be considerate to peoples feelings. Comedians are purely subjective. No-one forces you watch a comedian, you have the power to turn off the TV or walk away. You chose to subject yourself to a comedians so it's your own fault if you find there opinions offensive.

Comment to Sir Mitchell Cashmore


I think it would be naive to attribute all of the teenage Bad Behaviour down to peer pressure.

I'd argue it could come from a number of things:

Home Life

Peer Pressure

Psychological Reason

Mental Disposition

Plea for Help

At least that's my 2 cents.

Wednesday 6 May 2009


"It's tobacco! Ask my dealer!"

Drugs are interesting little things, some have the power to give life, some have the power to take it.

The main problem with Drugs in relation to being bad, is the trafficking of illegal drugs to be sold to people for recreational uses.

Not only the typical recreational drugs such as Crack Cocaine, Heroin and Marijuana but also medical drugs which are usually stolen from hospitals by staff for personal use or extra income.

The UK governments actions towards drugs began to change a few years ago when arguably one of the most popular drugs: Marijuana was changed to a class C drug, meaning that people caught with it wouldn't be jailed.

This has changed once more and Marijuana is back at class A.

Personally I think that I should have the right to choose whether to take drugs and not be penalized. It is my body and mind to wreck so why can't I? As long as i am not funding criminals or supplying to minors why can't I take drugs?

A free country indeed........


Monday 4 May 2009

Kids - Movie

so that film was about as disturbing as it gets.

Put aside the annoying lead character and the lack of plot i can see why the film caused such a commotion.

Young people get a bad reputation nowadays but seriously, i think that was going to far.

Teenage boys are often thought of as being extremely 'horny' but i severely doubt that this representation is anywhere near accurate anywhere in the world.

The actions of the characters in the film weren't just 'bad' they were damn near criminal.

- Drug Taking
- Rape
- Paedophilia

If this is what Hollywood thinks kids are like then that is extremely worrying.

Sunday 3 May 2009

Body Modification

"Yes, I do watch you touch yourself at night!"

For as long as there has been sharp implements there's been people jabbing, poking and carving things into their body.

Some modifications are part of religious and traditional ceremonies, such as Female Castration in some tribes in Africa.

Some are just there to show peoples feelings.

People who tattoo their bodies and fork their tongues to look like lizards do so because they like lizards.

A more common Body Modification are piercings. These come from vanity really, one day someone decided they looked good with a stud in there tongue.

"I don't need to eat they thought, as long as I look good"

As someone who has no tattoo's or piercings I find it hard to understand the rationale behind permanently altering your body.

In the eyes of the chuch altering your body is a sin as you should be happy with what god has given you.

God worked hard to make us.......


Thursday 30 April 2009

Jade Goody


Cancer is a serious problem for the human race, I accept that, some people in my family have cancer so i can appreciate the strain it puts on families effected by it.

What I cannot appreciate the actions of a woman who has this illness exploiting herself for money. Yes it is a noble cause, attempting to fund your children's future but come on!

Her stint on Big Brother set her up in a career of talentlessness where she has released several books, TV shows and the odd story in magazines. They don't give you a tenner for a book send you on your way, thanking you for the effort. You get paid exuberant amounts for the initial writing of said book and also royalties. She didn't need to bore ( yes, that's what she did bore ) the public with her plight. Thousands of people in this country have terminal illnesses, thousands of people die and thousands of people are worth 10 Jade Goodies, these people didn't appear on national television spouting racist remarks and these people have the good sense not to ruin there children's perception of their mother.

When her kids get old enough they will be embarrassed by the media storm that surrounded their mother in her final weeks. This constant phrase was uttered "She wants her children to remember her as she really was..."

Sorry Jade, they're not, they're going to see the woman who sold her soul for a couple of thousand pounds.

I'm sorry, it's terrible that she died, it's terrible that her children don't have a mother around. But there should be a certain amount of dignity in death and this just wasn't apparent. If she saw an angle the media wasn't reporting on, she'd sell it.

Here's what I need to know about her illness:

- She has been diagnosed with it.
- It is terminal, she has been given X amount of time to live.
- She has died.

The only good thing to come out of her selling every story she can is that it has increased the amount of youngsters being checked for cancer and I don't believe for a second that she factored this into her estimations when deciding to go public.

The only thing more annoying that she had no respect for her son's reactions to her actions when the are older is that, magazines like OK! give tributes to her that are unbefitting of someone of her talent.

"Britain mourns the loss of it's brightest star"

Come on, she's wasn't Diana, yes, she was a nice person but she was also a person who we'll all forget about in 10 years.

The public are so hypocritical.

Wednesday 29 April 2009

Bad Behavior

Hoodies believe they are related to Ninjas - They are the culprits of Bad Behavior

Bad Behaviour is one of the core parts of being a human. There is no ways to stop it completely, just was to pevent it.

People are bad because they chose to be or becase circumstanes dictate that they must be bad.

A classification of it nowadays would be the introduction of the Anti-Social Behaviour Order or ASBO.

Predominantly Issuesd to teens, this court order is used a a punishment to help people identify people who have essentially been bad.

From shoplifting to loitering all of these are count as bad behaviour. As people get more disillusioned with their government bad behaviour increases. It cannot be quashed because it's merely human nature.


Tuesday 28 April 2009

Robbbing from the rich to give to the poor - Outlaws.

"I'll give you money if you don't tell on me for stealing"

Robin Hood, one of the most famous British legends was a criminal. No-one can deny this, yet it doesn't bother people. People still revere and accept him has a hero of his day because of who his stole from.

Does who the crime is commited against factor into weather it is wrong or right?

Well, think about it, if someone was to have walked into Hitlers bunker and shot him in the face during WW2 it would have been called Asassination - which is for all intensive purposes Murder. Yet there would not have been an inquest, there would not have been a trial and there would not have been jail time, in fact the person who pulled the trigger would be worshipped for his actions.

So if you commit a crime against a bad person does it become a good crime? is there such a thing?

Robin Hood, was famous for robbing from the rich and giving to the poor. The poor turned a blind eye to his crimes because they were benefitting from it. So does that mean that deep down we're all corrupt because we're willing to turn a blind eye to someones crimes because we're benefitting from it?

An interesting article about why Robin Hood keeps returning to our screens:

Monday 27 April 2009


I'm watching you.......

Stalking is an odd practice, carried out in total secrecy and frowned upon by almost everyone.

Stalkers are generally people who keep to themselves or lead double lives, to their friends or family if they have any they they are just normal people, but by night, they follow people, often Celebrities but not always.

Some Stalkers follow people on the streets, other more obsessed ones actively break into peoples homes and go through their things.

Stalkers obsessions can lead them to dangerous places and can put the person they are stalking at tremendous risk.

One case of Stalker imprinted into our minds is the death of Jill Dando. She worked in television and in 1999 a man who was stalker her, murdered her on the footsteps of her house.

Stalking is a problem that will only get worse, with more and more new technology, phones, tracking devices etc, stalkers will become more prevelant as they get more technology to help them carry out their actions.

The more prevelant type of stalking is perhaps the most concerning, Paedophiles stalking children in an attempt to snatch them.

Stalkers are worrying people.......


Sunday 26 April 2009

Choking the chicken

Yes, yes it is.....

In the lecture I was interested to hear of the ancient worlds response to masturbation. I felt they would be fervently against it, but evidence in Egyptian Mythology seems to suggest otherwise.

What puzzles me is why up until a few years ago the general opinion on masturbation was that is was immoral and a sin.

In my experience even the church has altered its views.

When I was in Secondary School during sex education someone anonymously asked using a note whether Masturbation was wrong, the response was No, it wasn't. Which was interesting considering that it was a christian school I attended.

The act if masturbation is now more accepted by society than it ever has been, partly because a greater understanding of human sexuality.

Still, the most fervent of religious clerics would still find fault in masturbation and still deem it a hell worthy activity.......guess I'll see you all there.

Churches view on Masturbation:

Saturday 25 April 2009

Lying with Integrety - Is it OK to lie to someone to protect them?

"I wish it wasn't my nose that grew each time I lie"

I was always taught that lying was a bad thing.

Not just 'bad' but BAD. If I lied I'd get in so much trouble. Thing is, i can't lie anyway, for some reason I always smile and give it all up.

However, as you get older your parents teach you ( which completely messes up your perception of right and wrong ) that sometimes it is OK to lie in order to protect someone - essentially a white lie.

However if lying is wrong, then so is lying to protect people.

In my opinion I'd rather be told something to my face than have someone keep something from me to protect my feelings, because nine times out of ten when I do find out the truth, on top of the damage caused by the subject of the lie I'd also have the damage caused by someone I considered a friend not respecting me enough to tell the truth.

Lying is bad, whatever your intentions, it's far to easy for someone to lie to you maliciously and then claim they did it to protect you.


Friday 24 April 2009

Nasty Comedians

"Racism is acceptable if you dress like a pilot!"

Nasty Comedians, they've been around for years, they're often Racist, Misogynistic and generally not nice people. Yet they still get work?

For example: Roy Chubby Brown - renowned for his Misogynistic comments and Racism has still maintained a large fan base of both genders even in these enlightened times where such things are frowned upon.

Another comedian, Jim Davidson once a much loved face of Saturday Night TV with Big Break he fell from grace when his act became increasingly more: Racist, Misogynistic, Prejudice, Homophobic and generally of more of a bad taste, this culminated in his appearance on Hells Kitchen and was involved in controversy when addressing a homosexual contestant with derogatory terms.

As people become more and more aware of their words and actions it is an anomaly that nasty comedians still flourish in today's 'enlightened' society.

Perhaps people go to hear there own opinions voiced without taking and of the backlash.....


Thursday 26 March 2009

Tattoos - The War Paint of Enlightened Times

Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson's tattoo is the example of a tattoo which serves a purpose.

On the right person they can be a scary and intimidating war paint, on the wrong person they can be a serious dent to your ego.

Tattoo's are interesting little things. Permanent, ( well, nearly ) body paintings that help express your character and style. What confuses me is why young people decide to get Tattoo's. Granted a tattoo is your own decision, people feel their tattoos liberate them and help to convey messages about themselves to others. Why then, do this same people more often than not sport tattoos that are, to say the lest, tiny and well hidden. Surely the idea of showing off means that you actually show something off.

Instead people have tattoos on their legs and their backs in positions that can be difficult to see especially in public. So since most have them to show off, why don't they show them off.

I can accept in various different cultures and religions tattoos are important, for instance in America, a lot of people of Samoan heritage, decide that they wish to tell the story of their lives and honour their heritage by getting tribal tattoos. The more well known of these people, Wrestler turned Actor, Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson. He has stated in various interviews that he felt it was at the right place in his life to get this tattoo and wanted to honour his heritage ( his mother being a Samoan of royal blood ) What is interesting about his tattoo is that it is clear to see, and takes up a portion of his body, his tattoo serves a purpose, it shows he is respectful and it tells his story. The types of tattoos that wind up on teenagers usually aren't.

Fine some people will say "I have this tattoo as it means something to me, it's a sign of this and that" That's fair enough but why is it on that back of your leg in a position that requires a mirror and an interest in contortion to see. Being in those hard to see area's means that you're sporting a sign that only someone with X-Ray vision can see, and i think Superman is busy doing other things.

A newer argument I have recently found is someone getting a tattoo to remember something. To me in the right circumstances these can be touching however some times they can be a little excessive and in hindsight people can regret their actions.

One example I'd like to draw on is a friend of mine. His girlfriend left him and as he descended into to sorrow he decided that he should get a tattoo to remember his relationship, the next day he arrived at the pub proudly sporting a green star. A few weeks later he is deeply regretting his decision. Even better, his parents have stated that if he was to get a tattoo he'd get thrown out of the house. Now he's left with a semi permanent mark on his body that he has inflicted upon himself. Why? Because it felt like good idea at the time. I think that notion sums up most teenagers who get tattoos.

Another more touching example was in a documentary about British Soldiers who died in Afghanistan, some of the bereaved had their loved ones faces tattooed on their bodies in remembrance. I feel that this usage of tattoos, may be extreme but in some cases it aids in the bereavement process of these people and if that is so then they are a positive thing.

Tattoos are interesting things, they can be a comfort to some and a sign of strength to others. They divide people globally but in my opinion, each to their own.

Here's some information on Samoan Body Art.

and some Information on Tattoo's from the BBC

Thursday 5 March 2009

Yippee-ki-yay - Smoking.

In my day, we we're allowed to save the world whilst smoking.

In our lecture we discussed how awesome, people who smoke look whilst doing the act. Whether it be in movies or in real life.

I'm interested in the movie industries changing approach to smoking. A little over 15 years ago alot mainstream movies would have their main character pinned as a smoker. Nowadays however, smoking is a rarity in the movies. Mainly because studios don't want to be accused of promoting a deadly addiction to a new generation. For years smoking was seen as the cool thing to do. Action movie's main characters were often seen with a gun in their hand and a smoke in they're mouthing, spitting out one memorable line after another. Famously the John Maclane character in Die Hard used his ciggarette lighter as a weapon whilst delivering the legendary line "Yippee-ki-yay, motherfucker". Now, smoking is a dying habbit, atleast in the movies. When was the last time you saw Bond smoke a ciggarette?
Whilst smoking is a dangerous habbit, why do movie bosses view smoking with so much negativity? If it is a fear that people will see their on screen hero's smoking and think it will make them look cool so take it up themselves is stupid. Whilst their on screen hero's may have stopped smoking, but their real heroes, their parents and family, people they look up too may still do and that might be enough for them to pick up the habbit.
With smoking gone, what will noir film makers use to represent a phallus? Because people walking around eating banana's all the time will look stupid.


Thursday 26 February 2009

Politics - The Job of Infidelity

I used my position in power for sex!

A career in politics is a great thing, you get to sit on comfy green couch's all day and shout "here here" at the speaker when you agree with whats being said, if you don't agree, grunting incoherently is your best friend.

As a cheeky segue, I'm going to talk about infidelity surrounding politicians. It seems that a large majority of people in politics, be they fat or thin, short or tall and ugly or handsome are "having it off" with there mildly attractive secretary. Most of these affairs come out eventually. What proceeds next is verging on ridiculous, there is public uproar, protests and calls for resignations.

What interests me, is that in a large amount of cases after the affair has been exposed, the offending parties significant other usually forgives them and they both carry on with their lives. After a few days the public uproar subsides and everyone goes about their business. John Prescott comes to mind, who is still married after such an affair.

In a lot of situations is everyday life, such a betrayal is usually met with separation but politics seems to be different. Politician's partners cite various reasons to convince the public why they forgive them. Such as "he was under a lot of stress." Why does a career in politics give you an excuse to sleep with who you wish whilst not jeopardizing your marriage. Why do the people that decide how are lives are run have the morals of a medieval bandit.

The fact that we've come to expect politicians to have affairs is all deeply concerning to me......

Here is a link detailing John Prescotts exploits and the problem in politics:

Thursday 19 February 2009

Stealing and other fun things

"Remember Kids - You can steal more on drugs than you can off them!"
Why is it that people steal even if they can afford things? - That was one the questions posed to us in last weeks lecture.

The prime example of this is Winona Ryder - A hollywood movie star and celebrity. Way back in December 2001 she was convicted of stealing clothes from a Hollywood shop and possessing perscription drugs without the perscription. She could clearly afford the clothes - after all she's been in over 25 movies and a large chunk of them were very successful. In a world where you can afford anything what would drive you to steal?

My theory is that she was looking for some excitement, a thrill. The clip of Family Guy shown in last weeks lecture shows (albeit in typical Family Guy style) how stealing can be both a relief and an adrenaline rush. Maybe life on "money bags mountain" isn't all its cracked up to be - we all feel for her, i'm sure . Of course she could have thought that she would have been able to get away with it - after all she is a Hollywood Star - anyone who is anyone should know that that gives you a license to steal. However, she could also just be cheap.

Thursday 12 February 2009